Natural ways to lose weight fast

Although there are numerous diets , nutritional supplements and beverages passing through the meal, claiming to provide fast weight loss, they lack the most scientific evidence. There are some strategies supported by science that have an impact on weight management.

Quick weight loss is in the process of seeking shocked diet program instead of health li should try to provide a way to lose weight. Otherwise, the unconsciously applied and quick weight loss diets can lead to serious health problems in later times.

Weight loss methods supported by scientific research:
1- Intermittent Hunger Method: It is a form of feeding which includes regular short-term hunger and eating in a short period of time. Many studies have shown that short-term fasting up to 24 weeks leads to weight loss in overweight individuals.
 The most common intermittent fasting methods:
• The alternative to hunger every day: Almost every day includes starving. On days without hunger you will normally have to eat food and stay hungry for other days. On hunger days, it is necessary to take only 25-30% of the body's energy needs and this includes a limiting diet plan of 500 calories. 
• 5: 2 Method: requires 2 days fasting within 7 days. On 5 days normal nutrition, 500-600 calories are taken on hunger days.
• 16/8 method: requires fasting for 16 hours during the day and eating only 8 hours. The feeding range is up to 8 in the afternoon (12.00 am) for most people. A study on this method revealed that eating in a limited time resulted in fewer calorie intake and as a result of weight loss participants. 
It is best to adopt a healthy diet and avoid over-eating in days without hunger.
2- To follow your diet and exercise: Every person who wants to lose weight should be aware of everything he eats and drinks every day. The most effective way to do this is to record a daily or a daily follow-up application. A study has shown that consistent monitoring of physical activity helps in weight loss. In another review, weight loss was found to be positively associated with food intake and frequency of follow-up. A simple device such as a pedometer can even be a useful weight loss tool.
3- Cooking with caution: Watching how individuals eat food and where they eat, helps them to enjoy their food and to maintain their healthy weight. Most of us live a busy life, often in the running, in the car, working table and watching television, we eat, we are not aware of what we eat.

Careful food to eat;
• Sitting on the table: Eat food and enjoy what you eat.
• Avoid distractions when eating: Do not turn on the TV, a laptop, or the phone.
• Eat slow: Take time to chew and enjoy the food. In this way, the brain is given enough time to recognize the signals indicating that it is full. This helps to lose weight as well as to prevent excessive eating.
• Make the right food choices: Try to choose the foods that are full of nutritious foods and the foods that keep you full for hours instead of minutes.
4- Eating protein foods at breakfast: Protein helps to regulate appetite hormones that help individuals to feel. This is mostly due to the decrease in fasting hormone ghrelin and the increase in satiety hormones peptide YY, GLP-1 and cholecystokinin. Research on young adults shows that the hormonal effects of eating a high-protein breakfast take several hours. Good options for a high protein breakfast include eggs, oats, walnuts and seeds, kinoa porridge and chiapuding etc. takes place.
5- Cut sugar and refined carbohydrates: Western type is increasingly increasing in dietary sugared sugars and is associated with obesity, even with the content of sugar as well as beverages. Refined carbohydrates are heavy processed foods that no longer contain fiber and other nutrients. These include white rice, bread and pasta. These foods are fast to digest and turn rapidly into glucose. Excess glucose enters the blood, increases insulin hormone, which results in an increase in adipose (fat) tissue fat tissue, causing weight gain. As far as possible, individuals should change processed and sugary foods for healthier options. 
• Rice, bread and pasta instead of white versions 
• High sugary snacks, fruit, nuts and chia, etc. seeds 
• High sugar sodas, herbal teas and fruity fusion water instead of soft drinks 
• Addition of water and milk instead of fruit juice in smoothies 

6- Picking up a sufficient amount of  fiber: Unlike dietary fiber, sugar and starch, dietary fiber defines plant-based carbohydrates in the small intestine. Adding a large amount of fiber to the diet increases the feeling of satiety that leads to weight loss. Whole grain cereal, whole grain pasta, whole grain bread, oats, barley and rye, fruits and vegetables, peas, beans and so on. pulses, hazelnuts and seeds.
7- Balancing the intestinal bacteria: The human intestine contains a large number of microorganisms, including about 37 trillion bacteria. Each individual has different kinds and amounts of bacteria in the intestines. Some species can increase the amount of energy an individual collects from food, which can lead to fat accumulation and weight gain. 
Some foods increase the number of good bacteria in the gut. 
• A wide variety of plants: Increasing the number of fruits, vegetables and cereals in the diet will lead to increased fiber intake and more diverse bacteria. People should try to ensure that 75 percent of their meals are vegetable and other vegetable based foods.
• Fermented foods:  It prevents the growth of bad bacteria and increases the function of good bacteria. Sauerkraut (sauerkraut), kimchi, kefir, yogurt, tempeh and misogibious foods contain a good amount of probiotics to increase all good bacteria. In a wide range of studies, study results suggest that kimchi has anti-obesity effects. Similarly, studies have shown that kefir can help increase weight loss in overweight women.
• Prebiotic foods:  stimulate growth and activity of some good bacteria that help weight control. Prebiotic fiber is found in many fruits and vegetables, especially chicory root, artichoke, onion, garlic, asparagus, leek, banana, avocado and oats, barley.

8- Taking a good night's sleep: Many studies have shown that sleeping less than 5-6 hours per night is associated with an increased incidence of obesity. Research shows that inadequate or low-quality sleep slows the body's metabolism, which transforms calories into energy. In cases where metabolism is less effective, the body stores unused energy as fat. Poor sleep increases insulin and cortisol production, which accelerates fat storage. How much sleep you sleep sleep hormones control the appetite and also affect the regulation of ghrelin. 
9- Managing your stress level: Stress triggers the release of hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. While under constant stress, cortisol remains in the bloodstream for longer periods of time, resulting in increased appetite and more food. Cortisole refers to the body's need for carbohydrates in the food supply of the preferred fuel source. They found that an 8-week stress management intervention program resulted in a significant reduction in body mass index (BMI) of overweight and obese children and adolescents.
Methods of managing stress:
• Yoga, meditation or taichi 
• Breath and relaxation exercises 
• Spending time outdoors with activities such as walking or gardening, 
It is important to remember that there are no quick corrections when it comes to weight loss. The best way to reach and maintain a healthy size is to eat a nourishing and balanced diet.


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